User studies on motion sickness. KARLI & Allround Team.

In the KARLI project, Allround Team GmbH is responsible for the studies on the application “Motion Sickness”. The focus is on coordinating, implementing, and evaluating user studies.

Author: Pia Immoor

As a strategy and communications consultancy, Allround Team GmbH has been serving clients from a wide range of industries for more than 20 years. Our core competencies lie in creating new product and service concepts, the design of user-friendly interfaces, and the development of effective communication and internationalization strategies.

In the KARLI project, we are working on the motion sickness application. Our main task is to coordinate, implement, and evaluate user studies. To provide a basis for these studies, we also lead the theory-building work package and ensure that the necessary theoretical foundations are established.

Founded in Stuttgart in 19In addition to these main tasks, we support the consortium partners in implementing the Human Machine Interface (HMI) prototype in the test vehicle. Here, we rely on our extensive experience in automotive and mobility projects. For example, we use findings from the EU-funded research projects ALFASY, InteractIVe, and Response3, in which we have also conducted numerous studies on the topic of driver assistance systems and autonomous driving in recent years.

We have already gained experience in the development of empathic assistants for vehicles in previous research and customer Driven by the ambition to create strong collaborative relationships that benefit from the symbiosis of the various strengths brought to the alliance, we as the Allround Team want to achieve meaningful and sustainable successes together with all other partners in the KARLI project. In addition to gaining scientific knowledge, we are particularly excited to work with the large and diverse consortium and learn from our partners.