
Project management and dissemination of results

The dissemination of results serves to make the project visible and to lead to an exchange with both the expert community and society. For this purpose, the results are published in a scientific format and disseminated through the media.  


In order to involve the population in the developments, the project ideas and results are processed and disseminated through the media.

In addition, the consortium commissions a project office for a centrally controlled dissemination of the project results. 

Solution approach

Consortium management is shared between Continental (responsible for administrative management) and Fraunhofer IAO (responsible for scientific and technical management). In addition, for each of the defined work packages 100 to 700, a partner responsible for the management of the work package is named.

The documentation and project results of all work packages will be collected within this work package in order to make the results publicly available in an attractive form. Hereby, scientific publications as well as otherwise media-effective publications are aimed at.  

Within this framework, the scientific publications are intended to make AI training data accessible for scientific discourse, among other things, while social media formats, website and highlight documents, such as flyers, reports and videos, are intended to increase the project’s external impact.  


The goal of this work package is to successfully execute and complete the project within budget, timeframe, and scope.

The goal of disseminating results is to share with the professional community and the general public to provide visibility and exchange and to stimulate discussion of the results.  

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News & publications of the consortium partners

Report abstract: Display of Artificial Intelligence in the Vehicle HMI

The KARLI AI-MMI (Artificial Intelligence of Human-Machine Interaction) work package focuses on the question of how the use of AI will affect the appearance of an MMI. This is also the subject of the report “Display of Artificial Intelligence in the Vehicle HMI” by Dr.-Ing Peter Rössger. Read the summary here.

UX concepts for the vehicle of the future. KARLI & HdM.

The focus of the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) in the KARLI project is on the evaluation and development of user-centered AI solutions for automated driving vehicles. The goal is to combine a high level of safety with a successful user experience (UX).

Developing AI-driven in-vehicle interaction. KARLI & Audi.

Within KARLI, Audi is working on AI-based interactions in the vehicle with regard to person- and context-sensitivity. The goal is for the human-machine interface to behave adaptively based on the user and system state of the individual operating history.