The focus of the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) in the KARLI project is on the evaluation and development of user-centered AI solutions for automated driving vehicles. The goal is to combine a high level of safety with a successful user experience (UX). In addition, HdM scientists are focusing on the ethical, legal, and social implications of the research project.
Author: Prof. Arnd Engeln
The HdM in Stuttgart researches and educates on the topic of media. It covers all areas of media, including the design of content for electronic media. A central interest of our professorship involved in KARLI is the topic of user experience, which is related to the research focus IDUX (Interaction Design and User Experience) and modi (Institute for mobility and digital innovation).
In the KARLI project, we are working on the development and application of suitable methods for user-centered service design. Specifically, we want to optimize the user experience, considered along with the six-facet model (*), for the different gradations of an automated driving vehicle, under the influence of the vehicle design on user behavior – especially regarding road safety.
At KARLI, I am the person responsible for the project contributions of the HdM. What particularly appeals to me about this project is the fusion of traffic-safe behavior with a positive user experience under the conditions of intelligent, i.e. learning, systems of automated driving.
We put ourselves in the perspective of the vehicle occupant to evaluate and develop suitable AI solutions. In this way, we promote traffic-safe behavior in different levels of automated driving – and a successful user experience at the same time. These innovations are created along a user-centered development process, for example, taking into account cognitive-ergonomic and motivational conditions, in iterative steps with user evaluations. The development process is adapted to the requirements of ISO 9241: 2000.
At the same time, we enrich the development-accompanying ELSI process (“Ethical, Legal and Social Implications”) with empirical methods and can thus further develop the technology assessment and research ethics of the innovation process.
Anne Pagenkopf is responsible for prototype development and evaluation and the integration of empirical methods. She says about her task within the project team: “I think it’s interesting to design an adaptive system that includes different levels of automated driving in a user-friendly and safe way.”
The second focus for our HdM team is on ELSI activities. On the one hand, we support the ELSI process by providing methods and advisory services for the consortium partners. On the other hand, the HdM develops and tests empirically based methods for improved technology assessment of AI-based automation systems concerning ELSI issues within the scope of its prototype developments.
Miriam Schweiker accompanies these processes. She is the contact person for ELSI issues and works on the empirical development of the process: “What motivates me about my work in KARLI is to support the development of technology(s) that – in an empirically-based way – considers relevant ethical, legal and social implications.”
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* Engeln, A., & Engeln, C. (2015). Customer Experience und kundenzentrierte Angebotsentwicklung: Was gehört dazu? In A. Baetzgen (Hrsg.), Brand Experience: An jedem Touchpoint auf den Punkt begeistern (S. 253–273). Schäffer-Poeschel